stiv's F U N K Y homepage

- - t h e p l a c e t o b e - -

What's up, boys and girls? Welcome to the all-new, all-funky STIV'S HOME PAGE!

My name is Steve King, a.k.a.Stiv. I am a computer graphics / computer science major at Syracuse University. Word.

This page is made of slammin' links, fresh art, and whatever other funk I feel like tossing in. So, Sit back... Relax... and roam thruogh the world of Stiv. The place where FRESH is the taste.

- - f u n k - -
the disco squad

Beastie Boys (coming soon)

people I know

rad links

opening day: 11-4-95
last updated: 11-4-95, 4:20am
suggestions? comments? Email ME. I'd love to hear from y'all!